Worship and Meditation During Holy Week
(Updated April 7, 2022)
The schedule of Holy Week and Easter services and meditations at the First Congregational Church of Danbury has been set. All are welcome to join us.
April 10 - Palm Sunday
10 a.m.: Palm Sunday Worship
Gather in the sanctuary; a procession from City Hall will not be organized.
This service will be livestreamed to Facebook.
April 14 - Maundy Thursday
7 p.m.: Service of Tenebrae
Gather in the sanctuary.
This service will be livestreamed to Facebook.
April 15 - Good Friday
12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sanctuary Open to Public
Scripture Readings and Meditation with Rev. Pat Kriss
April 17 - Easter
10 a.m. First Church Easter Sunday Worship
Livestream to Facebook will be available.
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt in the courtyard immediately following the service.