From Jim: A Look Forward to Jazz Sunday
Special thanks to Ferdy Talan for last week's performance.
(Posted September 25, 2015)
I want to thank Ferdy for sharing his musical talents with us this past Sunday. The first movement of the sonata that he played had a number of variations that he had forgotten about until he was actually playing, making it a bit lengthy, but I don’t think anyone minded. I also want to thank Pat for leading us in the singing of the hymns. It was a last minute decision even though I knew most of you were very familiar with the hymns. It also gives me a little company in the choir loft. It can be quite lonely when the choir isn’t present.
This Sunday we welcome back Doug and Ginny Hartline and his ensemble. Doug writes his own arrangements of all the music that is played, including the hymns. He is very talented and along with his wife’s beautiful voice offers the sanctuary a whole different sound with which to praise the Lord.
Pat’s children’s chorus has started up again. Please encourage children you know to participate. The age limit is from first to eighth grade. The church school children’s choir will be meeting soon with the help of my wife Pat. They will meet for a short time during church school during the month of October, and hopefully sing at services in November and December.
Peace and love through music, Jim Moriarty, Music Director