Jelly Jar Generosity Update
(Posted April 29, 2021)
Are your jelly jars full? Jelly Jar Collection Day is just around the corner. Bring your jelly jars to our Pentecost service on May 23, where we will ask everyone – masked and socially distanced – to pour their coins into an oversized collection plate. Here’s a message from Pastor Pat:
We will donate 100 percent of your Jelly Jar donations to TBICO (The Bridge to Independence and Career Opportunities). TBICO’s clients includes people who are unemployed or underemployed, and need retraining. Some are displaced homemakers who suddenly become the family’s breadwinner as a result of divorce, as well as a spouse’s death or disability.
TBICO never charges for any or their services.
If you are unable to attend the Pentecost service in person and wish to contriubute to our Jelly Jar campaign, please contact Ginger in the church office at, or call her at 203-744-6177.