God is Drawn to the Lost
(Posted October 31, 2019)
The Gift of an Hour
This coming Sunday is our very own version of All Saints Day -- one in which we celebrate all the people who came before us who have helped to sculpt the church we know and love today, and to pledge our commitment to carrying on the tradition of our “saints.”
It’s also a day of change – not only will we (hopefully) have remembered to set our clocks back, and therefore have “gained” an hour of time to ourselves. But we also hear from the Gospel about Zacchaeus. Now, this man was someone seriously lacking in height, enough so that when Jesus came to town, he climbed a tree just to be able to see over the crowds. But what Zacchaeus lacked in stature, he exceeded in faith. He was a despised tax collector, one of the officials known to skim off as much as 30% of what he collected to line his own pockets. In every sense he was a thief, because he stole justice from the people. In every sense of word, he was lost -- lost until he heard the Word of God from his Son.
Church Services on Sunday
Service begins at 10 a.m. All are welcome to worship with us.
As we celebrate those who came before us who are among the “found,” it’s good to remember that in the Bible God seems to be drawn to lost things: lost coins, lost sheep, a lost son. Jesus said it:” For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost." However, reminiscent of the hypocritical pharisees in last week’s gospel, the self-righteous people sniffed their disapproval as Jesus went off to Zacchaeus’s house for dinner. But who were they – and who are we – when we look down on the person who climbs above public scorn to reach out to God for forgiveness?
So as we gain an hour this Sunday, we need to ask, how will we use it? Will we celebrate it with God and others in church as we remember those who have gone before us? Will we spend it joyfully joined to our brothers and sisters through the grape and the bread? Or will we roll over and go back to sleep? Really, the choice is yours. I’m hoping to see you on Sunday.