2nd Swallow Spectacular Boat Cruise on Sept. 25
RSVP at coffee hour, following service.
(Posted September 18, 2015)
ur next Swallow Spectacular Cruise is on Friday, Sept. 25th. We have 8 tickets for this trip – everyone who participated enjoyed this so much last week!
Join Connecticut Audobon Society staff naturalists aboard Essex Steam Train and Riverboat as we journey first by train and then by boat to see the spectacular, awe-inspiring display of the fall migration of swallows. Enjoy picturesque scenery on the train ride to the 70-foot Mississippi-style river boat, Becky Thatcher. Food and a full bar are available onboard including ample seating, three decks, and restrooms. If you take only one trip this fall, make sure it’s this one!
Tours (leaving at 4:30 pm) are approximately three and a half hours in length. Fee: $40. Eight years of age and over, please.
During fall migration, thousands of swallows congregate on the lower Connecticut River and at sunset settle in on a giant communal roost. Birds come from as far away as 25 miles and converge at dusk, often creating a ballet of synchronized flight before settling down to roost.
Renowned ornithologist and artist Roger Tory Peterson wrote: “I have seen a million flamingos on the lakes of East Africa and as many seabirds on the cliffs of the Alaska Pribilofs, but for sheer drama, the tornadoes of Tree Swallows eclipsed any other avian spectacle I have ever seen.”
RSVP -- sign up at Coffee Hour, after Sunday service.