A Change of Air
(Posted August 28, 2020)
In case you didn’t notice it, the tropical heat and humidity of summer suddenly yielded to a crisp north wind Tuesday night. It’s only natural and right on time. Late August and early September reflects the time for change. For those of us who love autumn, it speaks to a brilliant time in the not-too-distant future when color and tangy smells and apples will brighten our world.
People who are old hands at dealing with change take it in stride. They do open their hearts to it. I grew up right on the ocean in Cape Cod. People there are used to the transit of wind and weather. I distinctly remember one day when we had two carpenters working on the outside of our house facing the water, up on tall ladders. It clouded up and suddenly the wind began to shift from offshore, blowing a good, steady 30 knots. They just shrugged and looked at each other. One said, “I see we’re gettin’ a change of air.” The other just grunted, “Yup.”
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A change of air. I guess that’s what we’re getting on so many levels these days, not just from weather but also in our health concerns, the way we conduct our lives, our culture, our patience with one another (or lack thereof). But for things in nature, change is the essence of growth and rebirth, of new opportunities. If you look at creation, you will find God’s plan to nudge its creatures into a change of seasons encoded in the events around us in some truly interesting ways. We’ll visit some of these secret signals this Sunday. We will also spend time with the real meaning of one of our favorite scriptural passages: “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven….” Come join us this Sunday when we explore the hidden and unhidden ways that God expresses the eternal change of God’s creation. - Pastor Pat Kriss