Celebrate Change at First Church
(Posted April 27, 2020)
“Change is the heartbeat of growth. “ –-- Scottie Somers, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Head
Spring is simply brimming with change. Today marks the beginning of a brand-new month. A month of changes, usually for the better, from icy winds to breezes that carry blossom petals aloft, like snowflakes.
This Sunday as well, we celebrate a different kind of change. We honor and say farewell to Tim Koch, whose exquisite voice has been a part of many a Sunday service at First Church but, after 11 years of service as Church Caretaker, is starting a new phase of his life in a community east of Danbury.
Church Services on Sunday
In-Person Service begins at 10 a.m. Facemasks are optional if you are fully vaccinated.
Watch us on Facebook: We livestream our services to Facebook. You may view them live or on demand at www.Facebook.com/DanburyChurch/videos.
May 1 is Tim Koch Day
Tim’s incredible devotion to our church headed off many serious issues over the years. Now he has the opportunity to take care of his own new house and plant the seeds of happiness. I have it on good authority, however, that Tim’s wonderful voice will still on occasion reverberate through our sanctuary and our hearts as part of the choir. We will host a special Coffee Hour in honor of Tim Koch Day after the service.
Baptism’s Warm Welcome
And then, as a perfect example of change and transformation, we will welcome into the kinship of Jesus Christ little Ava Lynn Nickolas, daughter of Steve and Nicole Nikolas. Ava entered the world on October 25 last year. She will receive the waters of Baptism on Sunday. Ava is the most recent “bloom” on the Nikolas’s growing family tree. There’s no better way to celebrate transformation than to christen a wonderful new life as a member of our First Church family!
In a current world where the kind of change we encounter is too often sad and dark, this coming Sunday will be a chance to celebrate change of a bright, positive kind, and to hear our Tim Koch sing once again. Join us for the festivities.