Holiday Services 2018 at First Church Danbury
(Updated January 5, 2019)
Christams 2018 Theme: Moving from the Darkness Toward the Light
Thank you for celebrating Christmas with us. We look forward to worshiping with you throughout the year!
Past Services from Our 2018 Holiday Season: Thank you for attending!
Sunday, November 26 -- Remembrance and Healing Sunday: We remember those who will be absent from our holiday gatherings. Bring a photo of someone you love, and hang it on one of our Christmas trees so that they remain a part of our lives throughout the year. Bring as many pictures as you wish.
Sunday, December 2 -- A Salute to Our First Responders Who Bring Us From the Darkness Toward the Light: We saluted and thanked the law enforcement officers, fire fighters and EMTs who care for us at the worst times in our lives. See our photos and videos on Facebook!
Sunday December 2, 1 p.m. -- Children’s Chorus Holiday Concert. See the photos and videos on Facebook!
Sunday, December 9: Second Sunday Of Advent: 10 a.m. Service -- Real Theology Sunday -- Our Faith in the Face of Serious Illness: Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton was our guest speaker. The second hour panel will featured him and one of our members who have faced and conquered the darkness.
Dec. 23 – Fourth Advent Sunday: A very different anthem, and preservice music of Jim Brickman.
Dec. 24 -- Christams Eve Worship: A traditional service of lessons and carols.
Dec. 30 – Festival of Carols Service: If you have a special carol you’d like to sing/hear please Jim Moriarty. This service will be mostly musical.