From Rev. Pat Kriss: A Moral Response to Hatred
(Posted November 1, 2018)
Sunday, Nov. 4, is our All Saints Service, along with Communion Sunday. We will be honoring those who have departed our presence during the last year. We’ll remember their goodness and how they were an important part of our community.
I also think that it’s important that I let my message to you address the issue that weighs heavily on most of us, and that is the hateful way things seem to be going in our country. This is NOT going to be a political discussion, but one about social anxiety and a moral response to hatred. I am using author Ben Sasse’s book, THEM- Why we hate each other and how to heal as a source for examining the ways WE as caring Christians, can work toward some resolution to the fractured world we see about us.
Worship with Us
Services begin at 10 a.m. EST All are welcome.
AND…. please remember to set your clocks back this weekend, or you’ll be early for Sunday services! - Rev. Pat Kriss