Can organs and pianos play well together?
Reworked organ selections, another hour of rehearsal, eliminate half the selection. The result?
(Posted October 28, 2016)
Question: Is the organ musically compatible with the piano? Piano or organ by themselves are marvelous instruments. But what about when they are played together? The organ is an instrument compatible with solo wind instrument, orchestra variations, and brass. The piano by itself can be matched by no other instrument? Together...? This was the question that arose after a rehearsal that lasted well over an hour with Howard Rovics. After discussing this question, we reworked the organ selections and rehearsed for another hour, eliminating half of one selection. The result? I am pleased to say that the result was very well received according to many of the parishioners in attendance. I sure hope that we can do this again in the very near future. If there are other organists who have an opinion about this please send me an e-mail. Possibly include selections that you have used. ( Thanks Howard, and thanks to Heidi Palmer-Kayak for being our lovely soprano soloist that morning.
This Sunday Nancy Wildman will be our soloist. She is our in-residence guitar strumming, alto soloist and a favorite of ours! Even though the sermon will relate to the “...darker side...” there is only a pretty side to her voice.
Our chancel choir will meet NEXT Sunday, November 6, at 8:50 am in the choir room to rehearse the anthem for Sunday’s All Saints’ Day service. We will also rehearse selections for other November services. There is also a short, optional rehearsal Saturday morning at 11:30am in the church sanctuary.
*This Sunday, October 30th, at 3pm the Danbury Concert Chorus will be giving a concert titled “You are the Music”. Several very well-known selections along with a few beautiful selections by newer composers will be sung by the chorus of about 80 voices. It lasts about an hour and is free to the public. The concert will be held in our sanctuary. Several members of choir are members of this chorus. So don’t worry about football for a change, and come out and support a wonderful group of singers.
Music, music, music...
Jim Moriarty