First Congregational Church
164 Deer Hill Ave.
Danbury, CT 06810
Phone:(203) 744-6177

After Death: Getting into Heaven

Jesus has already told us in many different ways what awaits us after a life lived in love and service.

Rev. Pat Kriss(Posted October 7, 2021)

“I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” — Winston Churchill

"One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death. Although Catholics have their hopes." — Alfred Hitchcock

It is perhaps the one great question that all of us have. What happens when we die?

Church Services on Sunday

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The problem is that there are many, many theories as to what happens in that moment, but unfortunately no one is permitted to return from an in-depth field investigation and give us living folks the real scoop. There are, however, people who claim to have left this plane of existence, briefly seen “the other side,” and then returned, often reluctantly, to their lives. We’ll look at some of these stories, too.

Do You ‘Earn’ Eternal Life?

People of faith of every possible belief have their own theories of what happens after death, as do people who deny the existence of a deity. In this week’s Gospel Jesus is confronted by a wealthy young ruler who wants to know what he must do in order to earn eternal life. The answer Jesus gives him shakes this young man to his core.

We too may have the same questions. Are there conditions we need to meet to “earn” eternity? Or is this just more of the human desire to purchase an “insurance policy to heaven” that so many TV preachers pair along with their prosperity gospels?

Beyond the Veil

The one thing we all know is, unlike everything else, money can’t make death go away. Money cannot purchase anyone eternal life. The grave is the same size for the billionaire and the pauper, and just as unavoidable. But Jesus has already told us in many different ways what awaits us after a life lived in love and service.

Join us this Sunday as we try to see beyond the veil of this life into the next, and listen to what Jesus has to say about one of the more controversial passages in Scripture.


First Congregational Church
164 Deer Hill Ave.
Danbury, CT 06810
Est. 1696

Phone: (203) 744-6177

Office Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday Closed

Thrift Shop Hours:
Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Sunday Worship:
Sunday   10:00 a.m.–11 a.m.


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