Music Minsitry: Hosanas and Halleluhahs
Our Easter music
(Posted March 25, 2016)
I want to thank both the church school choir, the adult choir, and Stephen Dickson for their fine uplifting songs this past Sunday. It is always a treat to see the children singing the “Hosannas”! And the traditional “Palms” and “God so Loved the World” sung by the chancel choir encompassed the spirit of the day.
This Sunday the soloists will be Nancy Wildman and Stephen Dickson supported by the chancel choir. Howard Rovics will be accompanist and guest organist who will lead us in the singing of the “Hallelujah Chorus” at the conclusion of our service. All are invited to come up to the choir loft where the music will be available.
Peace through music this Easter season,
Jim Moriarty