From Rev. Pat Kriss: Peace Is Our Only True Antidote
(Posted November 18, 2017)
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I had a brief conversation the other day with someone. When he heard from me that our annual ARC Interfaith Thanksgiving Service here in Danbury is happening this coming Monday evening, he snorted and said that “all that peace stuff is really over with.” I looked him square in the eye and told him that it’s because we are going through such turbulent times steeped in such hatred and violence, that to seek peace is the only antidote we can truly rely on.
There can only be peace if we understand that we belong to one another, in all our glorious diversity of belief and cultures. There can only be peace if we all learn to carry the Spirit of peace within us, or to carry God in our hearts. Therefore, it’s really fitting that the theme of this year’s Thanksgiving Service is Imagine God in Every Heart. The featured speaker will be Joyce Schriebman of "Brother from Another Mother."
I really encourage those of you who can to be present Monday November 20 at 7 PM at the United Jewish Center on Deer Hill Avenue for the coming together of so many like-minded people who really know what they have to be thankful for. – Pastor Pat Kriss