First Congregational Church
164 Deer Hill Ave.
Danbury, CT 06810
Phone:(203) 744-6177

All Saints Day: A Celebration of Life

Celebrate the Saints who have made this life so precious to us all.

(Posted October 29, 2020)Rev Pat Kriss

"To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them."
Charles de Montesquieu, 18th century

This coming Sunday at First Church is sometimes misunderstood as only a service only for mourning those our church has lost this year. But All Saints Sunday is really a celebration of life – life in all its joys and challenges by someone we now dearly miss.

Church Services on Sunday

In-Person Service begins at 10 a.m. Please observe these social distancing guidelines when you worship with us. 

Watch us on Facebook: We livestream our services to Facebook. You may view them live or on demand at

In fact in this extraordinary year, when we’ve lost people from across the community, I invite ALL THOSE THROUGHOUT THE AREA, regardless of your faith affiliation, who have been unable to celebrate the life of someone they love to join us. Join us not in mourning but in celebrating the people who died, celebrating the people who worked to save others as first responders and still do, and yes… celebrating the people who still fight the good fight every day, whether their foe is COVID, cancer, heart disease or any other foe that life throws our way.

Do you have someone you want to honor or remember? This Sunday we will put together the names of these saints, living and ascended to God. We will read their names one-by-one, and the Church carillon will toll for them. If you have someone you want to include in our Carillon Salute, please send it to in advance, or attend online (, or come to church where we will take the name from you as you are cleared for COVID-19 prior to sitting in our sanctuary.

So bring your mask and your thoughts about someone you would like to honor, and join us at 10 a.m. as we celebrate the Saints that have made this life so precious to us all.

Standard Time Daylight Saving TimeP.S.: DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED SATURDAY. God forbid that we should arrive an hour early for church services!


First Congregational Church
164 Deer Hill Ave.
Danbury, CT 06810
Est. 1696

Phone: (203) 744-6177

Office Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday Closed

Thrift Shop Hours:
Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Sunday Worship:
Sunday   10:00 a.m.–11 a.m.


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