Music Minsitry: Set a Mood, Send a Message
Talented performers lead our worship and entertain.
(Posted March 12, 2016)
Music is meant to set a mood, send a message, entertain and much more. Nancy Wildman and Tahlia Furman certainly did all of the above during last Sunday’s church service. Both are very talented people who practiced very hard Saturday in preparation of Sunday’s music. Thank you both very much!
Please mark March 13th on your calendars. That is the third and last of the three “Rising Artists…” concerts for this season. Cyrus von Hochstetter will be playing a mix of jazz piano numbers, some of which he wrote, and classical! He is a young man at age thirty who wants to be heard and I hope that we can give him our support as he moves forward with his career.
This should be a very enjoyable concert. Information about him and his guest performer is on our website.
The musicians who have participated in our ‘…talent series’ need, want and would love your support. They work hard at what they do and are all excellent musicians. There is nothing better than playing to a full house. Please bring a friend or two.
Pat Moriarty is planning to meet with our Sunday school children to prepare them for singing on Palm Sunday. She only has one Sunday to work with them, so please try and bring them to church this Sunday.
Peace and Joy through music. - Jim Moriarty