Music Ministry: Our Services, Our Music
How our music comes together
(Posted June 5)
Reminder: Jazz Sunday is this Sunday, June 7. This is their last Sunday until September. I want to thank Doug and Ginny Hartlilne for their musical contributions to our congregation this past year.
I also want to thank Lisa and Tahlia Furman for sharing their musical talents this past Sunday. For those of you who were not in church this past Sunday, you missed a wonderful interpretation of a Bach Sonata. Tahlia is a very talented musician who loves coming to our church to play. She has been helping out for almost four years. She is entering her third year of college at the Eastman School of Music.
The question was asked the other day about musical selections for our service. I will try to give a short version of an appropriate answer. Pastor Pat and I will often discuss the Bible readings and the direction of her sermon. Given that information, along with the suggestions from an Ecumenical music and worship Planner, I will make my hymn selections. The second hymn has a direct link to the sermon. The first hymn could also support the sermon or one of the scripture readings, or the psalm reading. The recessional hymn may or may not relate to the theme of the day, but should also be uplifting in spirit. Next week I will discuss how the hymnal helps me choose these hymns.
The Church School children will perform a skit during the service on June 14. Mark your calendars as you won’t want to miss their performance. That Sunday will also be Choir Recognition Sunday. After June 14, the music will be supported by soloists, instrumentalists, duets etcetera. So if you have a musical talent and would like to share it with our wonderful, understanding congregation, please let me know. And if you enjoy singing and can carry a tune talk to me about joining the choir next year.
Peace though music, Jim Moriarty