Salvation on the Edge of Darkness
(Posted April 10, 2020)
I don’t know if any of you have noticed it. Jesus didn’t reveal his Risen Self to Mary in the blazing sun of midday. He didn’t announce the news to her with a blast of trumpets. On the contrary. Jesus chose to approach Mary in the still-dominant darkness and quiet of pre-dawn. He chose to awaken in her the truth of the Good News by uttering one word: Mary. Her name.
Easter Sunday Service
Join our Easter Sunday service online. In-church services are suspended in order to help prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading.
Easter, especially this year, is a time for awakening in us our faith at a time when the darkness still has a hold on us. I truly believe that God choses the edge of darkness so that we can appreciate the radiance of that news: that by his sacrifice Jesus has saved all of us who have been raised from the waters of Baptism, from sin and death, into the family of God, for whom, even in death, there is a place for us in the glorious presence of God. So in this extraordinary time of the days leading up to Sunday, keep the ember of your faith glowing in your heart, so when Jesus calls YOU by name, that ember can become a great light to guide you in the weeks ahead.