Upcoming events in September 2016
(Posted August 25, 2016)
September 8 – 5:30 pm Choir Rehearsal & Dinner
September 11 – Homecoming Sunday – 10 a.m. Worship
September 13 - Fellowship Luncheon in the Parlor. Please bring a dish to share and enjoy time with friends as we start a new church year.
September 18 – Pulpit Share with Venerable Wisdom; presentation on Buddhism and meditation techniques after Coffee Hour.
September 20 - Children’s Community Chorus begins. Open to All Children – elementary and middle School age – no charge, non-religious, limited enrollment. To sign up or for more info: pamort@hotmail.com.
September 25 – Fellowship trip to Maritime Aquarium in the afternoon. Church School and Adults - Sign-up in Annie Hall or call the church office to register.